Friday 21 September 2012

Modern Society Syndrome

Be yourself
Michell Raduvha
Have you ever had to say or do something or be someone you not, just to make someone else happy. Well I am that someone who was bullied and victimized by modern society syndrome. Modern society has changed to a point where young people continuously have to change:

v  Who they are

v  Your morals, values and principles

v  What you wear

v  How you talk and walk

v  Your views and mentality towards life
Just to adapt to:

Ø  A certain lifestyle

Ø  Certain friends

Ø  Fashion etc
Yes it is fun to keep up with the latest fashion, music or even trends but how did it come to a point where modernity changed who we are, how we treat others differently because they do not fit into a certain lifestyle.  South Africa has shown and proved to be such a diverse country with different languages, races, beliefs and cultures, so how did society lose themselves to modern culture. Read more

Youth has become fake and copy cats of modern culture and the process has lost respect for themselves and others. Too many young people are misled due to pressures of modern society, which leads to:

*      Depression

*      Anxiety

*      School drop outs

*      Becoming anti-social

*      Drug and alcohol abuse and sadly

*      Suicide
This is why it is important to be and accept yourself, that’s where respect starts from you. This way you stay focused on what and who you want to be.

Tools to life
Is an online website which has self improvement programes and supportive communities which tells people about inspirational stories and helps to motivate individuals. This website helps people combine forces with others working on similar goals, lifestyle changes or even obstacles. It also lets you create your own group where you share your own experiences and allow people to read, comment and relate to your stories. Read more

I would like to end of with a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.

Enjoy your heritage !!!


  1. i do agree with you, many people end up changing who they are, because of having to keep up with the latest trends, keep up is not a problem, but losing yourself it is, i always try by all means to let those trends adapt to who i am, and not completly losing myself

  2. Thank you for the advice,i realy appreciate it, you know sometime what makes us to all be the same is, we compete with our fellow young people we don't accept our uniqueness,if we do the world will be a better place for all of us.

  3. Trust me, I have tried to be somebody that I wasn't only because I wanted public acceptance and to be love. The things that I was doing were quite contrary to who I am, later I realised that I was wasting my time because of trying to impress people that do not have value in my life. But, the reality is that the pace of our modern society brings out the characteristics that mimic Attention Deficit Disorder, which makes you look like an attention seeker. So thanks for advice and I am certain that this will help other learn to accept who they really is

  4. I just want to highlight something about self-acceptance. we are constantly discovering our selfs everyday until we die. what one can do is to be happy with what they have and stop stressing on what you can't change especially now since we are students. things like looking like nicky minaj or been thin like the famous Bonang Matheba when you fat and don't exercise, etc...

  5. Part of what makes modern society is that it is filled with people of varying characteristics. If everyone was the same how would we progress as a society and as a race? So thats why I also think it's important for people not to conform to what others want them to be and to be their own individuals.

  6. I believe a human being is constantly changing they must never stagnate like a stream a humn being must keep flowing like a river so they remain fresh in this way they can be a source of inspiration. Like bruce lee once said take what is useful discard what is useless and make something that is distinctly your own.

  7. whats the point of pretending to be what you not, i guess people are driven by social trend and lifestyle arond them. We living in a meterial world and our hearts flow with the music.

  8. being yourself is the best thing to do to avoid being something your not hey. Vaue and love yourself then everyone else will accept you for who you really are:-)

  9. people change who they are because of having to keep up with what is new and out with the old, although changing is not a problem at all but fact remains that you have to be yourself

  10. Why change for someone else? You knowwho you are and what you want. Always be yourself the person next to you just have to love or hate you. At the end of the day you came alone in this world.
