Friday 30 March 2012

The South African government worked hand in hand with the Department of Housing to start the project of RDP homes due to Millions of South Africans sitting homeless, living in shelters, renting or even living on the streets.Citizens were advised to either apply for a RDP at the housing department, community council or just promised that they will get RDP,s in their areas and that was a light at the end of the tunnel for thousands of families. This project was also created to make proper homes andto have less informal shelters that poses a risk to people’s lives and environmentally. The City councilors were are in charge to help monitor the development and also help those who came with their complaints to get their properties but the councilors see this as an advantage to make money. Unethical conduct by Councilors and Municipal officials relating to selling of Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) houses accounted for four hundred- and-twenty (420) cases reported to the National Anti-Corruption Hotline (NACH).
• Bricks and equipment meant for building RDP Housesare used to erect houses of certain councilors and municipalofficials for personal benefit and some are stolenby members of the community
• Certain municipal officials and Councilors are allegedlyselling or renting RDP houses out to members of thepublic for personal benefit
• RDP houses are being used as taverns and occupied by illegal immigrants
• RDP housing projects are not being completed
• Housing officials are paid bribes to ignore the use of inferiormaterials in the construction of RDP houses

The is all due to
• Lack of internal audit processes
• Lack of risk assessments
• Disciplinary hearings are not promptly held
• Openness and transparency in procedures and decisionmaking is not shown
This has affected many  people due to them being evicted from their homes and some have proof to show which the councilors deny giving them and others do not have proof at all for the money they paid for the property. Millions are being lost due these scams and family’s hopes of having a home are destroyed and some who have done things legally still do not get their RDP homes.These scams are still going on in this country and councilors and Municipal officials are benefiting even more. What are the Government and the Department of housing doing about this?
The National Anti-Corruption Hotline
NACH was formed to help with the fight against all kinds of corruption.
The Forum is committed to:
  • contribute towards the establishment of a national consensus through the co-ordination of sectoral strategies against corruption;
  • advise government on national initiatives on the implementation of strategies to combat corruption;
  • share information and best practice on sectoral anti-corruption work;
  • advise sectors on the improvement of sectoral anti-corruption strategies.
The Public Service Anti-Corruption Strategy has been developed for the Public Service in order to give effect to the expressed commitment of Government to fight corruption in the Public Service.


  1. i honestly think that councilors what are they doing is totally wrong because the are many people who need houses!

  2. in a developing country we need corruption to disappear so that our country can move foward, yhe worse part is the lower class is being exposed for personal gain

  3. yes that is so true too much corruption is going on in the councils and people are losing alot.This is very unfair

  4. South Africa is a developing country,we must see the development taking place not crime.Crime is not what we have been promised by the govrnment.When we were voting the goverment promised us a safe and developing country.
