Monday 26 March 2012

Corruption on the Roads

Money in exchange for lives
 The Traffic Department and its officials are seen as the biggest contributors to corruption on the road. The traffic officials are supposed to protect our roads and ensure that any offenders are brought to justice. Yet they are the ones not abiding by the laws. Traffic officials

·         Take bribery’s from drivers who do not want to get arrested
·         They charge people for offenses and do not register it in the books
These crimes are committed on the roads without them looking at the bigger picture which is the lives of those who will be affected by these crimes, and the traffic officials allowing this to happen. Everyday thousands lose their lives on the roads due to
  • Drunken Driving
  • Driving without a license
  • Vehicles that are not road worthy
  • Not obeying road rules(like speeding)
  • Illegal licenses
  • Over loading etc
All this could be prevented if these officials would stop thinking for their pockets but for the people’s lives. By taking bribery you leave a car that could take lives.

The Arrive Alive Campaign has been introduced to help make the roads safer by raising awareness about road safety and also created a pledge which road users can commit to. They believe that it is also the driver’s responsibility to ensure that they drive safely to ensure the safety of others too. Even though this might be much of a challenge with the vast amounts of corruption. The Campaign involved government and the Minister of Road safety S’bu Ndebele to help implement new laws for the safety of the people on the roads. They believe that even though the officials might be corrupt the drivers should be able to know what is wrong and right and should also be held responsible for the actions.

And Arrive Alive



  1. well chellas some people consider to be bribed hey rather than go to jail for whatever they committed. this world is corrupt and need a lot of change

  2. People who bribe when they are on a high speed or they are found drunk are not responsible at all.This clearly show lack of responsibility.People must stand for their action or otherwise the whole country will suffer.

  3. I honestly think that people who are driving are irresponsible of their lives that why traffic cops want money from drivers but still they carry on doing wrong things on the roads,again the traffic cops are corrupt on their side by demanding money from drivers.....
