Friday 9 March 2012

Criminal Crime Fighters

The SAPS are well known as a service to fight for the rights of their citizens and protect them against all the odds to ensure that crime is put on the table, exposed and eliminated. The SAPS is out there to set an example for the youth, nation and generations to come, but how have they set this example with the amount of corruption scandals from almost each commissioner that has been appointed? Can South Africans trust them well enough to make communities safe?

In order for us to fight crime, South African police official should lead by example. Crime doesn't happen just outside the police force, but also happens within it. SAPS is an example of human weakness as highly-ranking officers are taken advantage of and the SAPS are allowing it.

South Africa, being a developing country and looking forward, is being grounded to a halt by crime as it has one of the highest crime rates in the world and yet crime starts within the supposed solution. The question remains whether corruption is getting better or worse than it already is. Some examples of the news articles that reported on corruption within the police force are:
·         ‘Gauteng police chief facing fraud charges’ (The Star 12 November 2000)
·         ‘Rotten heist cops still on the beat – Officer supplied armour-piercing bullets for highway robbery’ (Sunday Times 4 March 2001)
·         ‘MEC speaks out on police corruption – Mokonyane shocked that seniors worked hand-in-hand with criminals’ (The Star 29 March 2001)

How much more can a country take as we try to move forward and are being halted by corrupt officials in high places?


  1. South african policemen ar doing a good work by protecting us from crime, but whats worrying is that they are helping criminals to do their job and thats so out of line, I hope that government do something about this issue because its just not fair

  2. well we would hope the south african government would do so but we all know corruption starts at the highest level in south africa which is the government. how can we rely on criminals to fight crime

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The South African Police Service is trying their best to protect south africans from crime but the question is how long will it take them to stop doing their scandals?
