Thursday 26 April 2012

Is Corruption Gone Along With The Green ID Book

“A safe, secure South Africa where all of its people are proud of, and value, their identity and citizenship’’ read more...

 The Home Affairs Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma announced the introduction of the new South African Smart Identity Card. It is said to be safer, convenient and more reliable. It is also said that this new card will decrease the risk of identity theft. But is this really true? Despite all the safety measures will this really prevent identity theft?
 I believe that as much as this new card can be safety driven but despite peoples finger prints taken and all the necessary identity information peoples identities are still used for crimes. Over the years Home Affairs has made promises to try by all means to add change and still we cannot rely on the Home Affairs system

·         People have complained about long lines when going to make your ID Book and awaiting the process of the ID and still find that their ID has the incorrect details.
·         People still find themselves married or their surnames used by foreigners.
·         The Department themselves cannot keep any information safe because fraud is still happening. read more
My point is even though The Department of Home Affairs implements new strategies things do not change so how can we trust that this new smart Identity Card is going to add any difference? Maybe they are looking at this from the wrong angle maybe it is not the IDs that need to be changed but the way the system of the Home Affairs Department is run.
·         Firstly they should pay more attention to their internal structures.
·         They can isolate the access to the information about the manufacturing of ID cards, thus making corruption less and the duplicating difficult.
This is only my point of view and I believe that Home Affairs has the potential to ensure that our identities are more secure than just the new smart ID Card.

Friday 20 April 2012

Is It Wrong To Know Your Rights

Human Rights the most important factor in every person’s life yet we all take it for granted and a majority of us do not even know what the importance of knowing your rights are, yet they are violated by many people. Until this day the question remains what is the government doing to change this, Are they using this to their advantage?
We usually rely on government to uphold the Human Rights of all South Africans. However, there are certain situations/acts of government that make us raise the question: Is government really looking after the rights of S.A. citizens? Or are they the culprits who perpetuate the violation of Human Rights?
Rights that are taken for granted
·         Freedom of Speech
·         Access to information
·         Human Dignity
·         Privacy
In the world we live in today there is a majority of South Africans who do not understand the importance of their rights. There are hardly people who take the time to know or even understand it.
It is important to:
·    Exercise your voice and make sure that you are heard and understood because your say matters
·    Know what is happening around you especially if it concerns your life and your country it is your right to know and stay informed.
·    Respect yourself and others is very important too. How you treat one another counts, it does not matter who you are your dignity is not more important than another person’s we are all equal.
·    Nobody has the right to violate or question another person’s private life, IT IS PRIVATE.
It’s obvious that the public is turning a blind eye on their Human Rights which are violated by various parties. Some are which the public have knowledge of, but unfortunately for many of us some are those we do not have basic knowledge of. It’s quite clear that people with some degrees of power seem to think they have better rights than others. But it is the same power that we need to fight against in order to curb this problem.

Know Your Rights!!!!

Friday 13 April 2012

Social Grant Fraud

The social grant is a grant received by millions of citizens In South Africa; millions depend on this money to help them either due to adults unable to care for themselves, medical conditions (disability), children who have parents that are unemployed and old age.
This grant has brought hope for many people it helps;
  • Parents to pay for children school fees
  • Put food on the table
  • See to their own personal needs
  • Medical fees etc
This grant is there to help many in need and yet there are still people using this to their advantage to bribe people out of their money. Fraudsters with the help of inside information use peoples identity’s to claim the social grant. The people working on the inside sent applicants letters of disapproval for their grants meanwhile they make use of the applicants money. Many people who really suffer cannot even receive the help of The South African Social Grant Service due to their own people committing these crimes.

Many people view social grant fraud as something small but the fact remains that it has a major impact on South Africans growth. This affects South Africa in may ways;
  • It leads to poverty
  • Poverty leads to the increase of crime
  • Due to no funding for children’s futures the illiteracy rate increases
  • At the end this leads to a high rate of unemployment and then the country’s growth and development gets affected.
  • So does diseases because of lack of information and education
  • This than leads to a lot of political unrest due to them also being a part of the high rates of corruption in the country.
Social grants have helped in the development of this country and every time we turn a blind eye to this fraud the more we put our country in shambles. Those responsible have not only exploited the individual’s victim to the crime but the nation as a whole.

 Greed is the cause of poverty