Friday 20 April 2012

Is It Wrong To Know Your Rights

Human Rights the most important factor in every person’s life yet we all take it for granted and a majority of us do not even know what the importance of knowing your rights are, yet they are violated by many people. Until this day the question remains what is the government doing to change this, Are they using this to their advantage?
We usually rely on government to uphold the Human Rights of all South Africans. However, there are certain situations/acts of government that make us raise the question: Is government really looking after the rights of S.A. citizens? Or are they the culprits who perpetuate the violation of Human Rights?
Rights that are taken for granted
·         Freedom of Speech
·         Access to information
·         Human Dignity
·         Privacy
In the world we live in today there is a majority of South Africans who do not understand the importance of their rights. There are hardly people who take the time to know or even understand it.
It is important to:
·    Exercise your voice and make sure that you are heard and understood because your say matters
·    Know what is happening around you especially if it concerns your life and your country it is your right to know and stay informed.
·    Respect yourself and others is very important too. How you treat one another counts, it does not matter who you are your dignity is not more important than another person’s we are all equal.
·    Nobody has the right to violate or question another person’s private life, IT IS PRIVATE.
It’s obvious that the public is turning a blind eye on their Human Rights which are violated by various parties. Some are which the public have knowledge of, but unfortunately for many of us some are those we do not have basic knowledge of. It’s quite clear that people with some degrees of power seem to think they have better rights than others. But it is the same power that we need to fight against in order to curb this problem.

Know Your Rights!!!!


  1. I definately agree with you that most of people dont know their rights especially people in rural areas. i think a lot of campaigns should be done to educate people about their rights and responsibilities so that they too can stand strong for themselves.

  2. I think, people are aware of some of their rights but others aren't like uv mentioned, but the problem is we are afraid to express and practice themand also with those rights comes responsibilities

  3. Michell thats a great point the because our rights are being violated in every aspect especially by our government because we are being silenced about issues that they think we should not know about and thats one of the rights taken away from us.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It is not just illterate it is literate people too.This is simply because most do not bother knowing their rights until their lives depend on it.

  5. People take our rights for granted and that makes us to become afraid to stand up for ourselves, standing for your own rights is a good thing but the thing is that the government is using laws that oppress our rights to freedom of speech such as the Secrecy Bill, what I am saying is, for how long are going to stand for this and let other people violate our rights and treat us unfair?

  6. I agree with you, "Human rights is the most important factor in every persons life".I believe that every individual needs to know his or her rights so that they become aware of any violation of their rights.Its true "people with some degrees of power seem to think they have better rights than others" special treatment is given to those in power

  7. Well Michell the human rights are there in the book called THE Bill of Rights but applying them still need a shift. I can say there are people who still dont know there RIGHTS at this time, our government talk about human rights when something has happen and/or if they what to refer. LIVING IN MZANSI IS AN ONGOING DRAMA

  8. Our parents fought for us to know, and put our rights to practise, responsibly... So to answer the title, No, it is not wrong. People in this country just abuse power, it is very annoying.

  9. Michelle South Africa has violated our rights when you think of one of the right that says we have right to freedom of speech people do have their opinions and they also raises their voices but still the government is not doing anything about it in our country...

  10. There is one thing we should bare in mind as South Africans, our rights they go along with responsibilities we do not have to do as we please and voilet them

  11. My point simply is that even a majority of university students do not even know or understand the importance of their rights and what are we doing to change it. We have to change our views by knowing our responsibilities so it is really important for us to know our rights.

  12. a lot of people dont see the importance of knowing their rights and how it plays an important role to improving south africa as a whole but i dont blame the citezens of s.a alone for this misconception, i think the people who were suppose to set an example are not doing a good job.

    1. That is true the government especially should have been the ones to set examples for the country

    2. so since you have figured out the problem, what will you do as a citezen to ensure that this does not continue and what should we do to help?

  13. Firstly maker the Bill Of Rights something fun to read so that it becomes appealing to all the different demographics.
    They could also start teaching children their rights at a younge age.
    Word of mouth plays an important role talking to one another about this is a major contribution to getting the word across.
    Lastly the Bill Of Rights should be more of a culture rather thatn a set of rules

  14. The problem that we are facing as citizen,is that we dont know our constitution,we ingnore it.Is a booklet which is a must have even if you dont want to have it,it wil help you one day.

  15. I definately agree with you that most of people dont know their rights especially people in rural areas. so muvh has to done to help the peole in the rural areas.

  16. Human rights are there to protect you but how can that happen if you dont know your is vital for people to know their rights

  17. these days we think twice before we exercise our fredom of speech cause we fear being labelled and excluded by society
