Thursday 26 April 2012

Is Corruption Gone Along With The Green ID Book

“A safe, secure South Africa where all of its people are proud of, and value, their identity and citizenship’’ read more...

 The Home Affairs Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma announced the introduction of the new South African Smart Identity Card. It is said to be safer, convenient and more reliable. It is also said that this new card will decrease the risk of identity theft. But is this really true? Despite all the safety measures will this really prevent identity theft?
 I believe that as much as this new card can be safety driven but despite peoples finger prints taken and all the necessary identity information peoples identities are still used for crimes. Over the years Home Affairs has made promises to try by all means to add change and still we cannot rely on the Home Affairs system

·         People have complained about long lines when going to make your ID Book and awaiting the process of the ID and still find that their ID has the incorrect details.
·         People still find themselves married or their surnames used by foreigners.
·         The Department themselves cannot keep any information safe because fraud is still happening. read more
My point is even though The Department of Home Affairs implements new strategies things do not change so how can we trust that this new smart Identity Card is going to add any difference? Maybe they are looking at this from the wrong angle maybe it is not the IDs that need to be changed but the way the system of the Home Affairs Department is run.
·         Firstly they should pay more attention to their internal structures.
·         They can isolate the access to the information about the manufacturing of ID cards, thus making corruption less and the duplicating difficult.
This is only my point of view and I believe that Home Affairs has the potential to ensure that our identities are more secure than just the new smart ID Card.


  1. Yes you have pointed out some valid keys smart card is great but they need to first fix old issues then move on to new solutiions of new ideas.

  2. well I think government's startegy of introducing Smart ID cards is to reduce the ID theft corruption as well as enforcing law enforcement by working together with local securities, regional and national. And again I think that these are 'Dompases'. But its good because South Africa has the largest number of foreigners who migrate without proper documents and individual asylum seekers in the world

  3. That looks like a student card.So does this mean the will not be any green ID books that we used to? So where will they put the sticker when we vote?

  4. I think the new implementation with the new smart identity card is good a idea because fraud in South Africa will reduce.

  5. I believe that creation of a new identity card is a brilliant idea considering that South Africa has a total crime rate of 2,683,849 as according to, Home affairs can ensure that identities of southAfricans are kept secure
