Friday 10 August 2012


Over the years women have fought to be recognized as the individual pillar of strength they are. To show a sign of independence, strength, unity, hard work and still add a women’s touch outside their homes. Look at how far women have come and yet the sad fact remains that heritage and youth want their recognition to be of less value and respect.
We are surrounded by so many inspirational women all around the world even here in South Africa. Who has made their mark for their intelligence, hard work and dedication, and look they have the money and the fame. They do not even have to show a bit of skin for recognition and they have the respect of many people around the world. Examples of inspirational women Oprah Winfrey Read moreDr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma Read More

Is this what they call freedom?
Sadly it has come to a point where men and young women have lost respect for themselves. Young women today are seen as a trend. They are more concerned about;                  
v  Their beauty and bodies
v  Men
v  What people think
v  Materialistic things and
v  Setting a status

I know that it is in our nature as women to want the finer things in life, but one of the biggest mistakes we have made is letting those things define who we are as women. Women you are more than your hips and your thighs and there is proof of women who have earned respect the hard way. Women have accepted the image they have created in society and that way value and respect has dropped.

Who do we blame for the young women wanting to adapt to the images media expose them to? Who is responsible for not educating young women more about the important roles they play not just in their homes, but also in society?
What went wrong?


  1. Women all over the world have so much value but we degrade ourselves and loose the respect of men because we do not know our own value and we undermine ourselves. i think its time we take a stand for all those years of fighting to be counted

  2. Is good to raise such valid points and wise words about women, Just on the right time(womens month).

    1. Yes i wanted to look at womens month from a different view.

  3. Amen sister woman need to stand up and not sit back and let man walk all over them... degrading and loosing respect from others is soooo not on hey. doing something about it is better then sitting and letting men take power over you....@Themba yes it is womans mouth and we gonna own it :-).... Thank you for reminding us Michelle that we worth a lot

  4. I agree with you my fellow sister as women we don't accept what we have,we always compare our selves with the girl next door,this leads us to live pointless lives.And this is wrong because God has created each an every person unique,we can't be the same the world will be a boring place without the difference that we have.

  5. Wow Michell I always enjoy your talks...very nice indeed. I think if you as a woman base life on what other peple think of you, then you will start to think that you life revolves around those people. I have realised that people the media is always trying to manipulate us through these so called celebrities but we don't know much about them, only whats on the media and all that. Well for me a woman's worth is about accepting the person that you are and its about respecting yourself and most of all doing the things that pleases you, not the people around you. Although women ahve achieved a lot in terms of being accepted and respected in and around their societies, I think that there is still alot of work to be done and that for goes to show that we also need to respect ourselves so that the next person can be able to respect you in return.

  6. I'm proud of Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, this woman has put SA on a very good platform! Young people should draw inspiration from such people!

  7. Its no longer man power now its woman power Michel im so proud, inspired and very motivated by this two black beautifull ladies.

  8. This world would be nothing without women, they really should be appriciated and loved. As young people we should really look up to people like OPRAH AND NKOSAZANA...and as women we should go foward make this country what we want it to be

  9. women are rocks of the nation and let it not be forgoten that it is because of the women of South africa that we are carriying dom passses today so from my side i say salute to the women of Mzantsi.

  10. i agree with vicent women are rocks of the nation, where would the nation be without its piller of streghth known as women, i am proud to be a woman.

  11. Theres no one to blame but an individual. We know that media affects our behaviour but its up to an individual to let media influence her in a bad way. Media influences you negatively or positevely so it's up to you which one you choose. All i can say is we should be proud of being women by the way we potray ourselves.
