Friday 24 August 2012

Social Network Downfalls

Social Networking

Social networking has become the in thing for modern society. People spend over 80% of their time on their phones, computers and iPods etc. It goes from work, school to just connecting to social networks to keep up with what people say, think and what they are doing. Young people spend most of their time on social networks since they cannot reach most of the people around them they chat, tweet, whatsapp and mxit. It is so much fun to know what is going on around you and not to miss a single thing, but young people has not noticed how much they isolate the important things around them.

They become so antisocial that they neglect:

Ø  School work
Ø  Family
Ø  Chores
Ø  Activities and Hobbies
Ø  Friends  Read More

One of the major problems with social networks is the effect it has on a student’s education


Ø   Get poor sleeping patterns
Ø  Do not concentrate in class
Ø  Do not study as much as you should
Ø  Become addicted to checking in online
Ø  Have poor school work due to poor spelling and grammar.

Larry Ronsen a psychology professor conducted a study on the impact and the effects of social networks. The results showed clearly that social networks do have a negative effect on young people which also links to depression and anxiety. The power of social media has really affected the youth in a negative way. How do we stop this cyber addiction before it destroys us. Read More

Share your experiences about social networks and the impact it has on your life


  1. Social Media, plays a big role on destroying people's lives because it changes people the way people think and sees the world. But I think its good for building relationships and a good communication channel, just that youth needs to position themselves about the time they spend on these platforms

    1. I agree they really neglect a lot of their surroundings and that way they forget the important things

  2. Because of social media, people don't socialise anymore. everytime I walk into the lift at res, I always find girls who are too busy on their cellphones to greet. It is killing our customs and values.

  3. Social networks are a great way of meeting new people, advertising your product, planning re-unions and other great things. the only problem is that we tend to focus more on it and neglect other things around us.

  4. Socail networking it is clear that is now part of our lives but we should be responsible while using it.

  5. I think when using social you should have a clear picture of what you are engaging into. People misuse the power of socil networking because they lack the basic information about using social networking, otherwise it is not that bad if one is using it accuretly

  6. social media is a powerfull tool of communication which is now even scaring th newspaper producion industries because they feel that in a few years to come social meia will totally replace them.

  7. Social Networks altered the way we communicate with one another because we can reach people who are far away from us but able to communicate with each other.

  8. Social networks can be very addictive and time consuming, but they also make communication more convinient and fast. It is through social neworks that we save a lot of money and can communicate with more than one person at the same time.

  9. I agree with Khanyi,but there is a good side of social media. Now communication is much faster than before and you can socialize with someone who is far away from you.

  10. Social media its a powerfull tool for communication no metter how far you are in the world, it get us connected in a very short time.

  11. social media has changed people in a way that has caused drastic effects on our day to day communication.

  12. i think it has its good and bad side but its great that you point out its negative effects and making us aware , atleast we can try to save ourselves and friends from falling pray to its negativety
