Friday 17 August 2012


Being irresponsible is something we all as young people have in common. We know that what we do is wrong but why do we still do it? Today’s youth has adapted to the popular fast lifestyle .Awareness about the consequences of living the fast life is all over but society and youth is blinded by trying to fit in. This lifestyle entails partying and the need to be in the spotlight.

Did You Know! 

·         Alcohol controls 80 percent of the brains function. This means that you are not in control of what you do, which results in memory loss.
·         Alcohol is one of the most common reasons to premature deaths
·         Alcohol is responsible for the hospitalization of over 10,000 young people every year.
·         Alcohol also results in unwanted pregnancies and unexpected STDs.
·         You are also more likely pick up a criminal record. Or getting involved in illegal criminal activities

Alcohol causes people to act irresponsibly and not be aware of your actions. It also leads to:

·         Gaining a vast amounts of weight
·         Diseases like lung , heart diseases and cancer
·         Mental illnesses like anxiety and depression and
·         Complete addiction Read More

Society has led youth to believe that partying and a fast lifestyle is the most fulfilling feeling a young person will ever have. Sadly they do not realize the consequences of these actions. It is one thing to have fun but on the other hand it is sad how irresponsibly they do it. Young people do not realize the amount of damage abusing of alcohol does. You might not see it now but one day you might end up doing something you regret. As the youth is this really the way we want to live life? Read More

Not everyone is an alcoholic but anyone can make a mistake.
Drink Responsibly!!!


  1. as young individuals we are taking our youth for granted. its time we make the most of our youth and become more responsible, as much as we should make the most of our lives, let us be responsible and not end it recklessly

  2. well what can one say but i think this dates back from the types of environments we come from because for a township kid alcohol is made or rather say its turned into this cool thing so well its about where you have grown up in.

  3. Alcohol is now one of our culture, is better we say to people "Drink Responsibly" because we cannot stop them from drinking. Well Vincent you right he environment we came from has to do with our attitude.

  4. You said "Alcohol controls 80 percent of the brains function. This means that you are not in control of what you do, which results in memory loss."This is terrible how on earth can anyone go for alcohol and face all this consequences of memory loss.If i were you (the person who drinks alcohol) i will quit.

  5. Thanks for the advise... I didn't know I could use alcohol to gain some weight! I shall try :)
