Friday 5 October 2012

Making wise choices

Looking at today’s society we are affected by a virus that is killing millions each and every year. Yes we know the stats about 40 million people are dying but the real shock is that 38 %( 500 000 are affected daily) of those people are youngsters under the age of 25. This means that a majority of today and tomorrow’s youth will not even get to reach the age of 30. What is causing this? Read more
·         Could it be negligence
·         Peer pressure
·         Alcohol or drug abuse or
·         Lack of knowledge
According to the World Health Organization a majority of young people put their lives at risk every day. A majority of people die at a young age due to what they have done at a younger age. My question here is whether we really living the way we should. This has nothing to do with the careers we choose or who you are surrounded by. If you had to look back 10 years from now would you be proud of yourself or of what you have done. Yes everyone is tired of hearing about testing for HIV/AIDS and about how precautious you should be but are you really? Read more

A majority of young people are sexually active and the ages are getting younger. My point here is that I think it is important to know your status; nobody wants to sit with the fear of not wanting to know their status because of being negligent. Know were you stand and keep safe so you can protect yourself and other people. Despite sex being a major contribution to the HIV/AIDS pandemic the fact remains that nobody is really safe and no one can say it will never happen to me. So the important thing here is to start with yourself and always make choices that will benefit you not destroy you. The only regret you will have is not knowing your status. So protect your future and your health!!!! Read more
Leave regrets behind!!!!

Friday 28 September 2012

      Rethink your future and Reinvent yourself
Did you ever stop and think about how you got to where you are today? Are you here because you wanted to be here or have circumstances led you to where you are? Well research has shown that many young people have not had the opportunity to follow the right career paths or even end up in the desired courses due to:

Ø  Going after career counselors
Ø  Aptitude tests
Ø  Parental expectations
Ø  Peer pressure and
Ø  Salary advantages

At some stage in every young person’s life we are all hit with the big question what do I want to do?  This decision does not come easy and it takes a lot of time to think through and very few young people get the opportunity to determine what they want to be from day one and actually for fill it. This is why it is important for young people to know and asses themselves by determining their strengths, weaknesses and interests in order to find a career path that suits their personality and profile.
Setting goals and believing in them do not always work for everyone so this is why young people should take the time to find their purpose and for fill it to their fullest. When it comes to your future no one can determine it for you and it lies in your hands as an individual to make decisions that will benefit you. Yes! Everyone wants to be successful and rich but young people tend to forget that success is earned through hard work and dedication, but most importantly being passionate about what you do will later benefit you financially. Read More
Not everyone can end up where they want to be and not everyone is happy where they are, and later will find passion in something new. I am not trying to break young people’s spirit when it comes to following their dreams, but it is important for young people to know nothing comes easy. Not everyone knows where their passion lies but experience and time will tell and make it all worth. So remember never to give up on yourself or your dreams. Read More
 So what is your passion?

Friday 21 September 2012

Modern Society Syndrome

Be yourself
Michell Raduvha
Have you ever had to say or do something or be someone you not, just to make someone else happy. Well I am that someone who was bullied and victimized by modern society syndrome. Modern society has changed to a point where young people continuously have to change:

v  Who they are

v  Your morals, values and principles

v  What you wear

v  How you talk and walk

v  Your views and mentality towards life
Just to adapt to:

Ø  A certain lifestyle

Ø  Certain friends

Ø  Fashion etc
Yes it is fun to keep up with the latest fashion, music or even trends but how did it come to a point where modernity changed who we are, how we treat others differently because they do not fit into a certain lifestyle.  South Africa has shown and proved to be such a diverse country with different languages, races, beliefs and cultures, so how did society lose themselves to modern culture. Read more

Youth has become fake and copy cats of modern culture and the process has lost respect for themselves and others. Too many young people are misled due to pressures of modern society, which leads to:

*      Depression

*      Anxiety

*      School drop outs

*      Becoming anti-social

*      Drug and alcohol abuse and sadly

*      Suicide
This is why it is important to be and accept yourself, that’s where respect starts from you. This way you stay focused on what and who you want to be.

Tools to life
Is an online website which has self improvement programes and supportive communities which tells people about inspirational stories and helps to motivate individuals. This website helps people combine forces with others working on similar goals, lifestyle changes or even obstacles. It also lets you create your own group where you share your own experiences and allow people to read, comment and relate to your stories. Read more

I would like to end of with a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.

Enjoy your heritage !!!

Friday 14 September 2012

Save money, Dream big

Money has become the biggest influencer in many young people’s lives and it is inspiring to see them work very hard to improve their financial status. Youth has dedicated most of their time to making or getting money of which a majority of the money they attain helps them establish themselves ensuring they are unaffected by poverty and unemployment. Despite the vast amounts of young people establishing themselves financially, they are still faced by many issues of which a major issue is money management.The constant effect of fitting into a youthful lifestyle damages them financially and they only notice after they have fallen back in to the ruins of unemployment and poverty. Financially able youth usually find themselves living a lifestyle that is difficult to maintain and is also unnecessary. Read More

 This lifestyle includes:

v  Impressing friends materially

v  Living in unaffordable establishments

v  Peer Pressure

v  Expensive fashion

v  Partying inappropriately

There is no harm in enjoying your hard earned money but there is no reason to destroy a well-established future. Young people may not realize how peer pressure causes them to waste money, distracting them from increasing their wealth and improving their communities and the country as a whole. So much time and money is wasted by youth competing with modern society diverting their focus from building themselves or even investing in positive things.

Positive financial lifestyle includes

v  Becoming entrepreneurs

v  Acquiring skills

v  Educating themselves more

v  Investing in assets

v  Becoming socially responsible

v  Looking for ways to improve their wealth

Money Management Tips

This provides you with the tools you need to develop a budget that reduces your debt, enables you to save money, and puts you in control of your personal finances. You don't need to be a financial wizard to control your personal finances. Just a little common sense and a few money management tips can enable you to live within your means as you increase your wealth. Read More

Nobody wants to be told how to spend money but the question is are we doing it right?



Friday 24 August 2012

Social Network Downfalls

Social Networking

Social networking has become the in thing for modern society. People spend over 80% of their time on their phones, computers and iPods etc. It goes from work, school to just connecting to social networks to keep up with what people say, think and what they are doing. Young people spend most of their time on social networks since they cannot reach most of the people around them they chat, tweet, whatsapp and mxit. It is so much fun to know what is going on around you and not to miss a single thing, but young people has not noticed how much they isolate the important things around them.

They become so antisocial that they neglect:

Ø  School work
Ø  Family
Ø  Chores
Ø  Activities and Hobbies
Ø  Friends  Read More

One of the major problems with social networks is the effect it has on a student’s education


Ø   Get poor sleeping patterns
Ø  Do not concentrate in class
Ø  Do not study as much as you should
Ø  Become addicted to checking in online
Ø  Have poor school work due to poor spelling and grammar.

Larry Ronsen a psychology professor conducted a study on the impact and the effects of social networks. The results showed clearly that social networks do have a negative effect on young people which also links to depression and anxiety. The power of social media has really affected the youth in a negative way. How do we stop this cyber addiction before it destroys us. Read More

Share your experiences about social networks and the impact it has on your life

Friday 17 August 2012


Being irresponsible is something we all as young people have in common. We know that what we do is wrong but why do we still do it? Today’s youth has adapted to the popular fast lifestyle .Awareness about the consequences of living the fast life is all over but society and youth is blinded by trying to fit in. This lifestyle entails partying and the need to be in the spotlight.

Did You Know! 

·         Alcohol controls 80 percent of the brains function. This means that you are not in control of what you do, which results in memory loss.
·         Alcohol is one of the most common reasons to premature deaths
·         Alcohol is responsible for the hospitalization of over 10,000 young people every year.
·         Alcohol also results in unwanted pregnancies and unexpected STDs.
·         You are also more likely pick up a criminal record. Or getting involved in illegal criminal activities

Alcohol causes people to act irresponsibly and not be aware of your actions. It also leads to:

·         Gaining a vast amounts of weight
·         Diseases like lung , heart diseases and cancer
·         Mental illnesses like anxiety and depression and
·         Complete addiction Read More

Society has led youth to believe that partying and a fast lifestyle is the most fulfilling feeling a young person will ever have. Sadly they do not realize the consequences of these actions. It is one thing to have fun but on the other hand it is sad how irresponsibly they do it. Young people do not realize the amount of damage abusing of alcohol does. You might not see it now but one day you might end up doing something you regret. As the youth is this really the way we want to live life? Read More

Not everyone is an alcoholic but anyone can make a mistake.
Drink Responsibly!!!

Friday 10 August 2012


Over the years women have fought to be recognized as the individual pillar of strength they are. To show a sign of independence, strength, unity, hard work and still add a women’s touch outside their homes. Look at how far women have come and yet the sad fact remains that heritage and youth want their recognition to be of less value and respect.
We are surrounded by so many inspirational women all around the world even here in South Africa. Who has made their mark for their intelligence, hard work and dedication, and look they have the money and the fame. They do not even have to show a bit of skin for recognition and they have the respect of many people around the world. Examples of inspirational women Oprah Winfrey Read moreDr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma Read More

Is this what they call freedom?
Sadly it has come to a point where men and young women have lost respect for themselves. Young women today are seen as a trend. They are more concerned about;                  
v  Their beauty and bodies
v  Men
v  What people think
v  Materialistic things and
v  Setting a status

I know that it is in our nature as women to want the finer things in life, but one of the biggest mistakes we have made is letting those things define who we are as women. Women you are more than your hips and your thighs and there is proof of women who have earned respect the hard way. Women have accepted the image they have created in society and that way value and respect has dropped.

Who do we blame for the young women wanting to adapt to the images media expose them to? Who is responsible for not educating young women more about the important roles they play not just in their homes, but also in society?
What went wrong?

Friday 3 August 2012


From generation to generation each parent has pushed their children to excel in as many ways as possible. Some say it is because parents try to live their lives through their children’s success is that true? Personally I think that every parent wants to see their teens at their best to set an example for those who never got the opportunity to be where you are and for those who never will. But do our parents actually think about the amount of pressure we go through to maintain the standards expected.

       Parents expect their teens to:

·         Maintain excellent grades
·         Set an example for those around us
·         Act responsible and be well behaved
·         Honesty and trust
·         To receive special honors in extra curricular activities 

All this is a lot of pressure on the average teen’s life due to them having so much they want,so they feel like they are living life. But what parents do not know is: 

  • Parents expect teens to maintain certain high standards in school, not knowing the friends teens are surrounded by and the pressure they face during those school hours for acceptance.
  • In order for them to gain acceptance, society forces teens to go against being responsible and honest.
  • Irresponsible and dishonest behavior leads to a lack in extra curricular activities and lower results 
  • In the process teens loose almost each moral and value they have believed in just to create a status. Read More
In most situations parents do not understand the daily stress a teen goes through just to be accepted as a normal individual in today’s modern society. Whether it is the most popular boy or girl or the average teen that is being bullied and called a nerd, every child sits with the mindset that what they are doing is seen as completely normal. Teens forget their image and purpose and are stuck between pleasing their parents and fitting in with the outside world and its teenage customs. On a personal level it is not easy to fit in because you have to be someone you are not just to be appreciated. As a young person we all have different experiences of how we survived in this world filled with peer pressure form all angles. Read More

You are not alone   Read More
Share your experience and express your opinion.   

Friday 4 May 2012

Small Bribes, Big Challenges

Corruption has become the biggest critical threat of South Africa’s development and growth and is also said to be the cancer that is eating away at our society. It is mostly recognized that most corruption only occurs in government and where it is visible but that is not true. Corruption takes different forms with the main causes being:
*      Political institutions
*      Government regulations
*      Legal systems
*      GDP-levels
*      Salaries of employees etc…
These crimes occur everywhere and it is often sad to say that it seems there are no effective ways to stop it. Sipho Pityana the chairman of the Council for Advancement of South Africa’s Constitution (CASAC) stated that: “Corruption has become so bad that the state is at the verge of being dysfunctional.” He also mentioned that the three main weaknesses of South Africa are:
*      The lack of effective monitoring and enforcement agencies
*      No institutions with a dear mandate to educational campaigns on corruption and
*      People do not report petty crime because they feel that it won’t more
Who is to blame for all this?
Many citizens believe that South Africa’s government is the main cause of all this due to the vast amounts of news coverage of the misuse of the country’s money. Government is supposed to lead by example yet they play the leading role in this country’s destruction. Even though The Protection of Information Bill gives government the opportunity to hide confidential information for the protection of the country, this is being used as a scheme to steal from the people.
Millions are lost and spent with tax payers’ money. Due to a bad image that is set, investors are afraid to invest in the country. Apart from government looking like the bad ones, the average citizen also contributes to the corruption rate.
*      The poor are mostly affected as resources are diverted away from them
*      The unemployment rate increases
*      This leads to crimeread more
What’s the use of pointing fingers when we as the people also cannot make a difference by saying No to Crime? The major factors leading to this being part of the wrong does not make it right.
Could South Africa ever win the fight against corruption? Read more
Corruption Watch
Founded in late 2005 by Andrew Feinstein and Susan Hawley.
Corruption Watch’s mission is to detail and expose the impact of bribery and corruption on democracy and development, by tracking and monitoring major bribery and corruption cases, pushing for effective enforcement of global and national anti-corruption regulations, and building an international network of anti-corruption partners. Read more. They launched their "No More Tjo-Tjo"campaign on the 23 April in Johannesburg to increase the support of the people to fight against corruption in South Africa. Read more
Corrupt? We Will Be Watching you!
"No More Tjo-Tjo"